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Members of the thirty year reunion committee are: Cheryl Balusek
(Hollis), Greta Bleau (Dorlac), Donna Espinosa (Gordon), Shelly
Hall (Michelle Doubek), Roger Rowland, Teri Vaughn (Teresa McClung).
The committee welcomes any other classmates that would like to
be on the committee.
If you are interested in being on the reunion committee, please
send an email to:
The next committee meeting will be on Monday, October 20, 2003 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be hosted by Donna Espinosa at Ora Oliver school.
The Reunion Committee met on September 11, 2003 at 7:00 pm at Donna's office in the Sheridan School District Administration facility. The issue of refunds was discussed. It was decided to issue two refunds for classmates that could not attend the reunion because of no fault of their own. A refund policy was agreed upon for future reunions. Because of the commitments made for the events the refunds will only be issued for fifty percent of the original payment.
The class has been surveyed for the last three reunions. There has been a consistency of the weekend in August that includes the second Sunday of that month. With that the committee established a date for a thirty-five (35) year reunion of August 9, 2008. During the thirty-five year reunion there will only be one activity held on a Saturday. The event will be a Saturday afternoon picnic or a Saturday evening mixer. A survey will be used to determine which activity will be done. The survey will be sent out with the reunion books.
The reunion dates were also set for the forty (40) year reunion of August 9, 10, and 11, 2013. It was noted that Karen (Dolan) McCarthy, Jeff Rhinehart, and John Wilson expressed interest in serving on a future reunion committee.
The reunion just completed was discussed. The decorating was good and the VFW was a good location except for their squeaky ceiling fan. (We need to check it out next time prior to the reunion.) It was suggested that we dress the part in '70s for the mixer. Favorite songs past and present will be used. A suggestion area will be made available on the class web site. It was also recommended to rotate the cooks at the picnic barbeque.
The committee reviewed all of the available pictures and selected several to be included in the reunion book. There was a discussion of the production of the reunion book. Printed versions will be done in black and white. Anyone that purchases a CD can have their book printed in color from their own computer or at a local print shop at their own cost if they wish.
The next meeting of the reunion committee will be on Monday, October 20, 2003. The committee will review the mock up of the reunion book.
The reunion committee held their twelfth meeting on Wednesday, July 9, 2003. The committee met at the picnic shelter next to the high school. Present at the meeting were Donna Espinosa, Shelly Hall, and Roger Rowland.
A check was written to Westwood Catering as a fifty percent deposit for the dinner. We want to have history forms available at all the events for those that have not completed one. We will have a couple of digital cameras at each event for portraits and action pictures.
Donna will bring a tripod to the next meeting for Roger to test with his digital camera. Shelly showed diagrams of the VFW hall. This will help to determine the measurements for decorations. Shelly gave the diagrams to Donna to pass on to Teri.
There is a need for a boom box for the Friday mixer. We need one that plays CD's. CD's should be brought to the next meeting to be given to Donna. Be sure your name in on the CD's so they will be returned. Robert Espinosa will record the desired songs to CD's to be used for the reunion. The original CD's will be returned.
Since the meeting was at the shelter we checked the grill and the restrooms. Donna and Cheryl will do the shopping for the mixer and the picnic. Roger gave Donna the picture for the cake. Donna will check with her son about a power tool to clean off the grill which can be done the week before the reunion.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at 7:00 pm. It will be held at Ora Oliver School with Donna as the host.
The Reunion Committee held their eleventh meeting on June 16, 2003. The meeting was hosted by Cheryl Balusek. Present were Cheryl Balusek, Donna Espinosa, Shelly Hall, Roger Rowland, and Teri Vaughn.
Set up times were discussed for all events. The set up time for the mixer on Friday will be 6:00 pm. The event starts at 7:00 pm. The set up time for the dinner/dance will be Noon on Saturday. The event starts at 6:00 pm. The early set up time will allow people to return home with plenty of time to get ready for the dinner. The set up time for the picnic is 12:00 pm on Sunday. The event starts at 1:00 pm. Shelly will meet with the South Suburban representative at 9:00 am for the opening of the shelter.
An alternative location for the picnic was discussed n the case of bad weather. Donna Espinosa will check on an alternate location.
The Saturday dinner was discussed. Donna and Teri will order a sheet cake the week before the event. Donna will need the picture to be placed on the sheet cake by the time the cake is ordered from King Soopers. Decorations were discussed. Crepe paper was discussed as an alternative. Shelly will measure the VFW hall to determine what we need.
The refreshments for the Friday mixer were discussed. Items that need to be purchased are chips, nuts, snacks, small plates, and napkins. The Sunday picnic was discussed in detail. Three categories were discussed in detail including items to bring, items to purchase, and pot luck items. Donna and Cheryl will coordinate the purchases.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, July 9 and will be hosted by Teri Vaughn.
The Reunion Committee held their tenth meeting on May 19, 2003. The meeting was hosted by Cheryl Balusek. Present were Cheryl Balusek, Shelly Hall, Roger Rowland, and Teri Vaughn.
Picnic Arrangements:
We need to work up a list of supplies. Roger will pull some information from the ten year reunion.
Table covers have been obtained. Teri reviewed the budget. There will be eleven tables and a buffet table. We discussed table candles (burgundy), candle holders (may be able to borrow from VFW), glitter, on little mirrors. We will put toule on columns. We discussed the possibility of putting small potted plants on the table such as ivy. There will a banner to go on stage. Colors will be gold and burgundy. The table covers are burgundy color.
Prime rib, chicken breast in flamed marsella sauce will be the meat dishes in the buffet. Green beans with almonds, rice pilaf. Salad, bread, desert.
Dinner Arrangements:
We need a check to pay the "VFW Post 9644" for a $200.00 hall deposit. The total hall rental is $350.00. We will make out a check after the recent check order arrives at the end of this week or next.
The checking account was in a dormant status. Roger is working out getting the account active. The bank is requesting a new signature card. Current signers are Roger B. Rowland, Mark Fix, Donna Espinosa, and Greta Bleau. Cheryl Balusek will replace Greta as a signer the other three will remain the same.
Friday Mixer:
The committee talked about an October Fest theme with polka music. We talked about getting buns or tortillas, brats, and chips as refreshments.
The committee reviewed a post card that will be mailed as a
reminder to return reservation and history forms.
The reunion committee held their ninth meeting on March 17, 2003. The meeting was hosted by Shelly Hall. Attending the meeting were Cheryl Balusek, Donna Espinosa, Shelly Hall, and Roger Rowland. Roger described the recent mailing of history and reservation forms. The history and reservation forms will be added to the class website. Two letters were returned as undeliverable for Cindy Reyes and Joe Martinez. Donna believes she can get the correct address for Joe. The missing classmates list was reviewed. We may have a lead for Tim Morales.
The budget was reviewed as was the reservations for the park and VFW. Donna will pass on the budget for decorations to Teri Vaughn. Reminder mailings were discussed. A post card reminder will sent out towards the end of May.
The reunion committee held their eighth meeting on January 20, 2003. The meeting was hosted by Greta Bleau. Attending the meeting were Greta Bleau, Cheryl Balusek, Shelly Hall, and Roger Rowland.
All of the locations have been confirmed. The VFW at 2680 W. Hampden Avenue in Sheridan has been reserved for the Friday mixer and the Saturday dinner and dance. The caterer for the Saturday dinner has been selected and confirmed. The Sheridan Community Park (Shelter) has also been reserved for Sunday. Thanks to Shelly Hall for completing all of the location arrangements.
A budget has been established for all reunion activities. The charge for all weekend activities will be $40.00 per person. This includes the Friday mixer, Saturday dinner and dance, and the Sunday picnic. There is a separate charge of $5.00 per person for those that only attend the picnic. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and soft drinks will be provided at the picnic. Attendees are asked to bring side dishes and deserts. Alcoholic beverages are limited to beer and wine only and are bring your own. Glass containers are not allowed in the park.
Description |
Count |
Item Cost |
All Weekend Activities (Includes dinner, dance, picnic) |
70 |
$40.00 |
$2,800.00 |
Picnic Only |
30 |
$5.00 |
$150.00 |
Total Revenue |
$2,950.00 |
Friday Mixer |
$50.00 |
$50.00 |
Dinner Catered Meals |
70 |
$22.00 |
$1,540.00 |
Dinner Hall Rental |
$350.00 |
$350.00 |
Table Centerpieces |
$40.00 |
$40.00 |
Sheet Cake |
$40.00 |
$40.00 |
Table Covers |
$50.00 |
$50.00 |
Stipend for DJ |
$200.00 |
$200.00 |
Decorations |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
Park |
$40.00 |
$40.00 |
Picnic |
$150.00 |
$150.00 |
Stamps |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
Total Expenses |
$2,660.00 |
Reserve |
$290.00 |
Booklets CD Charge |
$5.00 |
Booklets Printed Charge |
$15.00 |
A combined history and reunion booklet will be prepared and will be made available after the reunion. The booklet will be available on a computer disc (CD). The charge for a CD will be $5.00. That will cover the production costs and mailing. A printed version will be available at a cost of $15.00.
Reservation forms will be sent out in February [mailed on March 3, 2003] and will be due no later than July 1, 2003.
The next committee meeting will be on Monday, March 17, 2003 at 7:00 pm
The reunion committee held their seventh meeting on September 16, 2002. The meeting was hosted by Shelly Hall. Attending the meeting were Shelly Hall, Cheryl Balusek, and Roger Rowland.
The main topic of discussion was the Saturday reunion dinner. Shelly presented the information from Westwood Catering. "The Silver Dinner Buffet" was selected which includes rare roasted baron of beef, carved at a buffet table and served with Rosemary Au Jus and Horseradish. The alternate meat dish is boneless chicken breast coated in parmesan cheese, flamed in Marsala with savory mushroom sauce. The vegetables will be sautéed green beans with toasted almonds and rice pilaf with toasted orzo. The dinner will come with a house (garden) salad with choice of dressing. A deluxe assortment of bread and rolls will also be served. The base price is $17.50 per person. There will be a cash bar.
Desert will be separate and not from the caterer. A sheet cake was suggested with some kind of decoration. We will look to upgrade from the roast beef to prime rib if we can maintain the total dinner cost of $20.00 from the caterer. The tentative price for the dinner is $30.00 per person. Although there was concern that the price may need to be $35.00. The remaining ten to fifteen dollars will be needed for rental of the hall, decorations, entertainment and other expenses.
Music CD's were discussed. Committee members were requested to bring CD's to the next meeting for review. Desired music is from the 50's, 60's, and early 70's and includes classical rock, pop, and some country. Conrad Hall (Shelly's son) discussed what he could do as a DJ. Conrad will check his equipment in the VFW prior to the event. We would pay him some kind of gratuity. Music will need to be available from three to five hours long.
The next meeting will be Monday, January 20, 2003 at 7:00 pm.
The committee held their sixth meeting on Monday, June 3, 2002. The meeting was hosted by Greta Bleau. Present were Cheryl Balusek, Greta Bleau, Donna Espinosa, Shelly Hall, Roger Rowland, and Teri Vaughn.
Roger contacted South Suburban Park and Recreation District and reported the picnic shelter can not be reserved until January 2, 2003. Roger had reserved the shelter in 1983 and Donna had reserved it in 1993. Both no longer live in the park district. The district office is located on south University between Dry Creek and Arapahoe Road. Shelly said that she works in that area. Donna suggested that we call a week ahead in order to have the paperwork ready.
The surveys were reviewed about the reunion booklet(s). A total of 102 surveys were mailed out. Two were returned with bad addresses. One address has subsequently been found by Greta (Thank you Greta). 31 surveys were returned. It was a better return than the reunion dates survey. The results were: combined booklet - 26; separate booklet - 2; no preference - 3. Distribution method: printed - 10; CD - 12; email - 5; no preference- 4. Cost: 5.00 - 2; 10.00 - 3; 15.00 - 8; 20.00 - 10; no preference - 8.
The committee decided that a combined booklet would be prepared. The booklet will be made available on CD's and printed. The charge for a CD will be around $5.00. That will cover the costs including mailing. A printed version will be from $15.00 to $20.00.
There was a discussion about the computer process to be used for composition and layout. Most in the committee feigned a lack of computer knowledge. By luck Greta's son, a computer guru happened to come in during the meeting. He agreed the easiest method would be to compose the booklet in Microsoft Word and print it to a file in a PDF (Predefined Document Format) format using Adobe Acrobat. The PDF file could then be copied to the CD's. The Adobe Acrobat Reader program is available as a free download from the internet. He suggested the reader program could also be loaded on the CD. The PDF file could also be printed using a commercial printer like Kinko's.
The dinner was discussed. Shelly will follow up with Randy from Westwood Catering. They have done catering at the VFW in the past. After Shelly collects the information she will send it to the committee during the summer.
The decorations were discussed for the Friday mixer and Saturday dinner. An Ocktoberfest theme will be used for the mixer. Mini lights and decoration paper will be used for the dinner. Centerpieces will be needed for twelve tables at the most. A drawing of some kind will be used for the centerpieces. It was decided that elegance was more important then maintaining the class or school colors for dinner. It was suggested that dress for the dinner should be business or semiformal. Teri asked about a budget for decorations. She will come up with a proposed budget by the next meeting and some possible themes.
The committee will discuss the music and entertainment for the dinner at the next meeting. It was noted that CD's and a boom box could be used at the mixer and that a DJ could be used for the dinner. Hors d'oeuvres were suggested for the mixer on Friday. A pot luck method was suggested with a prize for the best.
The next committee meeting will be on Monday, September 16, 2002 at 7:00 pm.
The reunion committee held their fifth meeting on April 15, 2002. The meeting was hosted by Greta Bleau. Present were Cheryl Balusek, Greta Bleau, Donna Espinosa, and Roger Rowland.
The reunion picnic was discussed. Roger will check with South Suburban on how soon we can reserve the picnic shelter at the park (adjacent to the high school). An application will need to be completed. We will request a beer permit. The committee will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and soft drinks. Other items will be in a pot luck format. Pot luck items include salads, side dishes, and deserts. Out of town people will be asked to bring off the shelf items like chips and dips. The picnic will be free.
Reunion booklets were discussed. There was one booklet for the ten year reunion. That booklet included histories and pictures. The booklet was made available at the beginning of that reunion. At the twenty year reunion there were two separate booklets. One booklet contained text information including addresses and histories. There were no pictures in the history booklet. The other booklet contained pictures from the reunion activities. The charge for the history booklet was $5.00 and was available at the reunion. The pictures booklet cost $12.00 and was not available until several weeks after the reunion.
There was a discussion whether there should be one combined booklet or two booklets. There was a question on how much the booklet(s) might cost to print. An alternative is to distribute the booklet(s) electronically. For example the booklet(s) could be made available on the internet at a password protected web site. The booklets could be sent as an attachment to an email. Or, the booklets could be put on CD's for distribution. We could take the pictures ourselves. Roger said that he had a couple of digital cameras that could be used.
It was suggested we survey the class for their opinion. Questions will include whether there should be one or two booklets and how should they be distributed. It was suggested that classmates send histories in by email. The histories could be cut and pasted into a master document to save repetitive typing. It was suggested that we put something on the website asking if there is a member of the class that would be willing to do the design, layout, and composition of history and pictures booklet(s)
Discussion about the dinner catering and decorations was put off until the next meeting. We will need to set a budget for decorating. The tentative cost for the dinner will be $30.00 per person.
The next meeting date was set for Monday, June 3, 2002. The meeting after June would be in September.
The committee held it's fourth meeting on January 21, 2002. The meeting was hosted by Greta Bleau. Present were Cheryl Balusek, Greta Bleau, Donna Espinosa, Shelly Hall, Roger Rowland, and Teri Vaughn. Donna brought in the information and pictures of Jerry Sturm. Teri had some ideas on locating some of our missing classmates.
Locations for the Friday mixer and the Saturday dinner/dance were discussed. "Red and Jerry's" was ruled out for both because of the excessive cost. Roger had obtained information on the banquet facilities at the Holiday Inn at Wadsworth and US 285. The Clubhouse at the Englewood golf course was discussed as a possibility for the Friday mixer. The cost of entertainment was discussed as was the possibility of doing it ourselves.
The VFW was discussed in detail as a possibility for both Friday and Saturday. We used the VFW patio for the Friday mixer at the twenty year reunion. The VFW has new patio furniture and the parking lot has been fully paved. The VFW hall was discussed for the Saturday dinner/dance. They don't serve food but it can be catered. There are several advantages to the VFW including the possibility of reducing costs. There would be a lot of time available to decorate the hall. And best of all, we can use the hall until 2:00 am.
The aesthetics of the VFW was brought up as a concern. It was decided the committee would meet and look at the VFW on Monday, January 28, 2002. The committee met at the VFW. Pictures were taken and are available at this link: VFW Pictures. The committee discussed decoration ideas and felt that VFW was workable. The VFW is available for our dates. Shelly will complete the paperwork. She we also bring catering information to our meeting on April 8, 2002. Teri will work on decorating ideas to discuss at the next meeting. Other topics for the next meeting will include the picnic and reunion booklet.
Shelly brought in several old pictures. Editors Note: The pictures will begin appearing on the web site the week of: February 3, 2002.
The committee held it's third meeting on November 13, 2001. The meeting was hosted by Greta Bleau. Present were Greta (As if Greta had a choice?) and Roger Rowland. Four class members had been located since the last meeting. Work was done at the meeting on locating other class members. One additional class member was found during the meeting. We have located 101 class members to date. 36 remain missing and the search continues.
Follow up will be completed on the remembrance information on Jerry Sturm. Roger will follow up with Donna Espinosa.We are still looking for elementary school pictures. Several pictures still need to be found for Alice Terry, Fort Logan, and Ora Oliver. Thanks to John Wilson, Carol (Davis) Melchior, and Roger Rowland for the pictures already found and provided.
A list will be obtained of south Denver area hotels to be screened for the Saturday dinner/dance. The Holiday Inn on Wadsworth Blvd. just south of US 285 has been recommended by more than one person. The list will be reviewed at the next meeting. Suggestions from class members are welcomed.
Roger will visit Red & Jerry's on the corner of Santa Fe Drive and Oxford Avenue to get some information about their facility. This place has been suggested as a location for the Friday evening mixer. It was suggested that a consolidated reunion booklet be done with pictures and histories. At the ten year reunion there was one booklet. At the twenty year reunion there were two.
The committee held it's second meeting on August 7, 2001. Once again the meeting was hosted by Greta Bleau. Present were Greta Bleau, Cheryl Balusek, Donna Espinosa, and Roger Rowland. The returns from the reunion survey were reviewed. There are a total of 137 people on the class list. One hundred sixteen (116) reunion surveys mailed out. Twenty-four (24)were returned by the post office. Four (4) were remailed. That left a total of 96 correct addresses. Three (3) additional addresses were found during the meeting (way to go Greta).
Twenty-one (21) surveys were returned, plus three (3) from the committee for a total of twenty-four (24) responses. That represents a 25% return of the surveys. A very impressive amount. A review of the surveys disclosed the first choice of reunion dates was August 8, 9, and 10. The second choice was August 1, 2, and 3. The committee selected August 8, 9, and 10, 2003 as the dates for the thirty year reunion.
The committee also reviewed the activities preferred by the class. Based on the surveys, the committee approved the following activities: Friday mixer, dinner-dance, picnic, and reunion booklet. Location possibilities were discussed.
Other items of note. The committee approved the inclusion of a page on the web site titled "In Remembrance" for Debra Duffield and Allen Ford. It was noted that Jerry Sturm had passed away a few years ago. Jerry was in the class through ninth grade before transferring to Arapahoe High School. A picture and information on Jerry will be sought out by the committee. He will be included on the page when his information is found.
The committee held it's first meeting on June 4, 2001. The meeting was hosted by Greta Bleau. Present were Greta Bleau, Donna Espinosa, and Roger Rowland. The reunion survey from the twenty year reunion was reviewed. Changes were suggested for the thirty year reunion. The thirty year reunion survey will be sent out by regular mail by the end of June, 2001. The surveys are to be returned to Donna Espinosa (return envelopes will be provided).
Roger showed the web page he set up for the class. He also
discussed classmates that had already been contacted by email.
Several street addresses have been updated because of the email
contacts. The email contacts were made through web sites such
as "Classmates.com".
The balance of the meeting was spent reviewing addresses and comparing
the existing list to the metro Denver and Littleton telephone
directories. Donna and Greta will also be doing some follow up
on some other addresses.